

Due to the current environmental problems and the impact of the fashion industry on the environment and our society, at Guillermo Justicia we want to share with you our Fashion Purpose Manifesto.


We have analyzed the main problems of the fashion industry, defining those that we would like to improve and how we could contribute to the change:


  • Give the fashion values back to the industry: not to consider fashion only as a business, with massive and polluting productions and unethical values. Give back the artistic expression to the industry, encourage the support for local artists and producers and cheer ethical, environmental and social values.
  • Fashion as art: appreciate fashion as art and not as products. Getting people to value it and feel part of it, since we are all involved in one way or another.
  • Sustainability: encourage the consumption of sustainable fashion, change the system to end the disposable culture. Create timeless and durable items by choosing sustainable materials, designs and practices.
  • Inclusivity, diversity and equality: to end gender roles, beauty standards, racism, LGTBI+phobia, patriarchy... and promoting an inclusive and diverse industry.
  • Self-expression: allowing people to express themselves however they like, to feel comfortable in clothes, to feel part of a community and to feel heard and considered.
  • Workers well-being: guarantee decent work for all workers, put an end to exploitation, abuse, harassment, overwork, dangerousness and discrimination towards any person involved.
  • Transparency: guarantee the transparency and traceability of our products, materials, services and workers.


So that,


What desirable future do we imagine for the fashion industry?


  • New relationship with fashion: a future in which people appreciate fashion and feel part of it, who value their clothes and do not consider them to be used and thrown away.
  • Sustainable values: global awareness of environmental problems. Move towards sustainable models by developing more respectful and connected relationships with nature.
  • A global change in brands to make a better industry.
  • A global shift in consumers to support those brands that do it best.
  • Respect for nature.
  • Collaborative economy: promote local networks of exchanges and resales, prioritizing local commerce.
  • Judgment free society.
  • Pre-competitive business models: companies come together to address a shared problem.
  • No trends, timeless garments.
  • Materials manufacturing: new sustainable materials, recycled, organic, regenerative, biomaterials, etc.
  • Transparency: authenticity, honesty and transparency reflected in the production and consumption systems. Traceability and radical transparency.


How can we contribute to achieving our vision? What actions can we take?


As an emerging fashion brand, we want to propose the actions that we will take into account to achieve our desirable future for the fashion industry.




  • Promote a new fashion industry system.
  • Utility and extension of time use.
  • Not to contribute to excessive consumption.
  • One collection per year.
  • Pre-order. No stock, produce on demand.
  • Convey respect and love for nature, with the concepts of collections and the artistic expression.


Product and materials:


  • Design for durability.
  • Time-less garments.
  • Use of deadstock fabrics, recycled materials, organic, regenerated...
  • Not to use any type of material or process that is harmful to the environment. As well as fabrics that can release microplastics or denim washing treatments.
  • Traceability and transparency.
  • Local production.
  • Design for sustainability.
  • End of use of the product (possibility to repair or recycling).
  • Garment rental option.
  • Possibility of “customization” or adaptation of sizes.


Social ambit:


  • Inclusivity, diversity and equality at shows, campaigns and any working teams.
  • Note the opinions of all workers.
  • The workers are part of the brand, we are all equally important.
  • End gender roles by offering unisex clothing and silhouettes that are not specific to a body type.
  • Possibility of adapting the garments if none of the sizes offered suit you.
  • Allow self-expression and artistic expression.
  • Create a community around the brand.